We do all aspects of engineering a small scale hydroelectric installation: an estimate of the possible power, the design of the water wheel, sluice gate drives, gearboxes, bearings, generators, inverters and remote control.
Gratia Hydro originated as home builders and we know why: an affordable price. There are risks involved with home building. Mirco hydroelectricity is a chain and every single item has to be right. An error can have costly consequences. Use the knowledge of Gratia Hydro.
Micro hydroelectricity needs specific materials. They are not mass market products. The materials which are supplied by Gratia Hydro are proven technology for micro hydrolectricity. You use our expertise.
Grid feed in is an administrative challenge in France. Parties involved are local government (DDT), the grid responsible (Enedis), the buyer of the electricity (i.e. EDF or Enercoop) and the inspection authority (Consuel). Gratia Hydro can assist you with this.
Your are not that handy? Never mind, we are. Gratia Hydro can deliver a turn key installation, including permits and formal authorisation.